
Stoney Road Press collaborates with artists to publish limited edition fine art prints.


Combining traditional printing techniques with innovative digital technology, our studio is transformed for each different collaboration, producing a body of work that reflects the individual skill of each artist.


Charles Arnoldi

Charles Arnoldi

John Behan

John Behan

Michael Canning

Michael Canning

Felicity Clear

Felicity Clear

Eamon Colman

Eamon Colman

Barrie Cooke

Barrie Cooke

Diana Copperwhite

Diana Copperwhite

John Cronin

John Cronin

Dorothy Cross

Dorothy Cross

William Crozier

William Crozier

Carlos Cruz Diez

Carlos Cruz Diez

Charles Cullen

Charles Cullen

Shane Cullen

Shane Cullen

Diarmuid Delargy

Diarmuid Delargy

John Doherty

John Doherty

Kitsch Doom

Kitsch Doom

Blaise Drummond

Blaise Drummond

Rita Duffy

Rita Duffy

Brian Duggan

Brian Duggan

James Earley

James Earley

Felim Egan

Felim Egan

Andreas Eriksson

Andreas Eriksson

John Fitzsimons

John Fitzsimons

Bryan Glynn

Bryan Glynn

David Godbold

David Godbold

Richard Gorman

Richard Gorman

Sophie Gough

Sophie Gough

Patrick Graham

Patrick Graham

James Hanley

James Hanley

Brian Harte

Brian Harte

Leah Hewson

Leah Hewson

Mark Joyce

Mark Joyce

John Kelly

John Kelly

James Kennedy

James Kennedy

Sara Lee

Sara Lee

Julian Lennon

Julian Lennon

Monica Lundy

Monica Lundy

Anne Madden

Anne Madden

Elizabeth Magill

Elizabeth Magill

Alice Maher

Alice Maher

Kelvin Mann

Kelvin Mann

Fergus Martin

Fergus Martin

Sean McSweeney

Sean McSweeney

Peter Monaghan

Peter Monaghan

Eilis O’Connell

Eilis O’Connell

Mick O’Dea

Mick O’Dea

Brian O’Doherty

Brian O’Doherty

Hughie O’Donoghue

Hughie O’Donoghue

Catherine Owens

Catherine Owens

Garrett Phelan

Garrett Phelan

Kathy Prendergast

Kathy Prendergast

Barbara Rae

Barbara Rae

Bill Rock

Bill Rock

Phil Sanders

Phil Sanders

Patrick Scott

Patrick Scott

Sean Scully

Sean Scully

Seán Shanahan

Seán Shanahan

Noel Sheridan

Noel Sheridan

Maria Simonds-Gooding

Maria Simonds-Gooding

Amelia Stein

Amelia Stein

Ronnie Tallon

Ronnie Tallon

Donald Teskey

Donald Teskey

Gianna Thodi

Gianna Thodi

Charles Tyrrell

Charles Tyrrell

Bernar Venet

Bernar Venet

Charlie Whisker

Charlie Whisker

Louis leBrocquy

Louis leBrocquy

Book a visit to our studio

A visit to our studio will allow us to take you through the collection of artworks available at Stoney Road Press. We’ll select pieces, in advance, to fit your space and match your tastes. A view of the studio in action will give you a real insight into how prints are made.


Book Now

Hanging and Framing

Stoney Road Press provide a bespoke framing service for traditional and contemporary art in all mediums.

We’ll help you size and select the perfect frame that matches your space and your new artwork. Older pieces, too, can benefit from being reframed – fix the mounting or with the addition of non-reflective glass. Our hanging service is a fresh set of eyes on your existing artworks, to give them a new lease of life in new locations in your home or office.

Get in touch with us to find out more.

Framing Services

Let's keep in touch.

We'd love to keep you up to date on new projects, editions and upcoming events.