Barrie Cooke

Born in Cheshire, England, in 1931, Barrie Cooke moved to the US as a teenager and studied Art History at Harvard University. He moved to Ireland in 1954 and held his first solo exhibition in Dublin the following year. Though based in Ireland, Cooke travelled widely and his richly expressionist, semi-abstract paintings was strongly influenced by time spent in places such as Lapland, New Zealand, Borneo and Malaya.

Cooke’s work has been exhibited widely throughout Europe, the US and Canada. Major retrospectives include shows in the Douglas Hyde Gallery, Dublin (1986); Haags Gemeentemuseum, The Hague, Holland (1992); LAC, Perpignan, France (1995) and the RHA Gallagher Gallery, Dublin (2003). His work is represented in the collections of the Irish Museum of Modern Art; Ulster Museum; Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; Haags Gemeentemuseum, The Hague, Holland and many other public and private collections worldwide. Barrie Cooke was a member of Aosdána. He died in March 2014.

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