Catherine Owens

Catherine Owens is an Irish artist living and working in New York City. Her work is largely installation based, originating from ideas that evolve through drawings, painting, sculpture, photography, sound, film and video.

Using the technical and production knowledge gained while collaborating on large scale global projects over the last 20 years, Owens has incorporated this information into her current work, creating a series of LED based Light Works that seamlessly bring technology and mark making together. A large scale set of these pieces was commissioned by and installed in the renovated Capitol Theatre in Port Chester New York in late 2012.

As well as her own solo art practice Owens is known for her collaborative work with the band U2. As creative director of screen imagery for animation, film and video, she has made their key visual content for five world tours from 1992 – 2010. Owens directed and was a producer on the first digital 3D film (U23D) made for theatrical release in 2008. Shot in South America, its creation spearheaded a series of major technological breakthroughs in 3D filmmaking. The New York Times hailed it as “The first IMAX movie that deserves to be called a work of art.”

Her current body of work expands upon the use of LED Lighting technology, merging it with paper-making and print. In 2014 Owens launched “Field Prints” a set of prints representing impressions of the vistas found close to her studio in the Blackwater Valley, Co. Waterford, Ireland.

Having lived in New York City over many years, coming home to Ireland and to her wild open fields is like taking a slow swim in a deep lake, buoyed by fresh air – breathing life into everything. My studio in the Blackwater valley overlooks the wide winding river between Lismore and Fermoy, from the hillside I can survey a majestic landscape tumbling towards infinity. This land keeps me connected to my family, to my upbringing in Dublin and to the memories of long days spent outside roaming through fields near our childhood home. When I am not close to this land I imagine it. I imagine its vistas, its shapes and the hue of its day. I imagine the lines where roads, horizon and boundaries, meet, merge and fall away. In my mind’s eye I see the land in vivid colours, colours that follow me back and forth between the valley and New York. These Vistas washed by the yellowing sun and reflected in pinky blue skies are the fields inside my head…

Catherine Owens, 2014

Other Artists

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A visit to our studio will allow us to take you through the collection of artworks available at Stoney Road Press. We’ll select pieces, in advance, to fit your space and match your tastes. A view of the studio in action will give you a real insight into how prints are made.


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Hanging and Framing

Stoney Road Press provide a bespoke framing service for traditional and contemporary art in all mediums.

We’ll help you size and select the perfect frame that matches your space and your new artwork. Older pieces, too, can benefit from being reframed – fix the mounting or with the addition of non-reflective glass. Our hanging service is a fresh set of eyes on your existing artworks, to give them a new lease of life in new locations in your home or office.

Get in touch with us to find out more.

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