James Kennedy

Born in 1962, James Kennedy grew up in County Down, Northern Ireland.  Before he embarked on a career in the fine arts, he worked as an actor with the Abbey Theatre in Dublin.  Since 2003 he has lived and worked in New York, working as a painter primarily in acrylic.  He has won several awards, among them the James Bridie Gold Medal.

In December 2018 James Kennedy spent a month at Stoney Road Press exploring, for the first time, the medium of print.  The suite of 4 prints is entitled ‘Transpositions’ and are a combination of the intaglio and collagraph print processes.  The artist observed:

‘My time at Stoney Road Press and the collaboration with the print studio delivered results way beyond any personal expectations.  As an artist, one always hopes that any expedition into another media will both expand and alter the language: and the plates and presses delivered on both of those fronts.  I look at these prints and although they hold an essence of my “Spatial” paintings, they are transported, rendered, made all the more visceral.  I also hold draughtmanship in high esteem and feel that they impart a certain reverence for the craft.’

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Book a visit to our studio

A visit to our studio will allow us to take you through the collection of artworks available at Stoney Road Press. We’ll select pieces, in advance, to fit your space and match your tastes. A view of the studio in action will give you a real insight into how prints are made.


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Hanging and Framing

Stoney Road Press provide a bespoke framing service for traditional and contemporary art in all mediums.

We’ll help you size and select the perfect frame that matches your space and your new artwork. Older pieces, too, can benefit from being reframed – fix the mounting or with the addition of non-reflective glass. Our hanging service is a fresh set of eyes on your existing artworks, to give them a new lease of life in new locations in your home or office.

Get in touch with us to find out more.

Framing Services

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