Mark Joyce

MarkJoyceMark Joyce was born in Dublin Ireland in 1966. He studied painting at the National College of Art and Design, Dublin and the Royal College of Art, London.  He has exhibited in most of the major selected survey exhibitions in Ireland and the UK and has had Solo Exhibitions in Ireland, UK and the USA. His work is in Collections of the Irish Museum of Modern Art, and the Arts Council of Ireland.

He works on a small scale with traditional pigments and gesso creating monochrome paintings and drawings. He has created large outdoor installations and public sculpture in Ireland, the UK and USA. His works literally glow out from the gesso ground, or the environment. The works refer to the physical nature of light, reconsidering colour, as an experience and phenomena.


“Without light there is no colour, and it is through colour that we can begin to understand the nature of light. Mark Joyce explores the art and science of seeing through works that describe the mind-bending bending of light as it curves and separates, converges and captures the shapes of the things that we see.  

These colourful works may seem simple, but that simplicity is all subtlety, right down to Mark’s choice of materials and medium. Traditional pigments and gesso reach back to the dawn of artistic creation as colour is made from rocks and chalks, precious stones and earth itself, the very fabric of our reality. He shows us the invisible light that allows us to fully experience the multi-hued wonders around us, and imagine the magic of it anew.”

Other Artists

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A visit to our studio will allow us to take you through the collection of artworks available at Stoney Road Press. We’ll select pieces, in advance, to fit your space and match your tastes. A view of the studio in action will give you a real insight into how prints are made.


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Hanging and Framing

Stoney Road Press provide a bespoke framing service for traditional and contemporary art in all mediums.

We’ll help you size and select the perfect frame that matches your space and your new artwork. Older pieces, too, can benefit from being reframed – fix the mounting or with the addition of non-reflective glass. Our hanging service is a fresh set of eyes on your existing artworks, to give them a new lease of life in new locations in your home or office.

Get in touch with us to find out more.

Framing Services

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